Bio360 Expo is an international assembly point comprising a large international exhibition and multi-track conference programme dedicated to advancing bioenergy, the bioeconomy and atmospheric carbon removal … in order to create a circular and renewable society, in contrast to the current model still dominated by dead-end fossil fuels.
Tag: Vesti
Capacity training “Biogas Project Steps”
As part of the joint project with our German partners, Fachverband Biogas e.V., the capacity training, "Biogas Project Steps," was held.
Serbian Biogas Association the celebration of the jubilee – 20+ of German development cooperation in Serbia
On marking 20+ years of German development cooperation in Serbia, on May 21, 2022, a jubilee celebration was held on the Republic Square in Belgrade
Serbian Biogas Association participates in jubilee celebrations – more than two decades of German development cooperation in Serbia
Representatives of the Serbian Biogas Association will take part in the celebration of the jubilee - more than two decades of German development cooperation in Serbia - on Saturday, May 21, from 11 am to 4 pm, at the Republic Square!
Capacity training “Feedstock for biogas plants”
As part of a project with our German partners, Fachverband Biogas e.V., the third capacity training was held entitled “Feedstock for biogas plants
Serbian Biogas Association at the Kopaonik Business Forum 2022
“The energy policy in Serbia: Getting sustainable by 2030.”
Biogas training “Design Characteristics”
As part of a joint project of the of Germany Biogas Association and the of Serbian Biogas Association, a training on biogas was held called “Design Characteristics.”
Bio-Energy Pavilion 2022
The Indian Biogas Association, with the support of the German Biogas Association and Informa Markets, is organizing the "Bio-Energy Pavilion 2022" at the Renewable Energy India Expo, Greater Noida, India on September 28. 2022 to September 30, 2022.
Announcement of the online training “Small biogas plants in Serbia: Cost-effectiveness and contribution to climate change prevention”
Member of the Serbian Biogas Association, Faculty of Technical Sciences Novi Sad organizes the training Small Biogas Plants in Serbia: Cost-effectiveness and contribution to climate change prevention.