Presentation of the Serbian Biogas Association at the Energy Days in Novi Sad

The ninth “International Energy and Investment Days” manifestation was held at the Novi Sad Fair, and over two days, eight panels were organized, with discussions focusing on current topics – energy efficiency, renewable energy, green building and environmental protection.

With the participation of leading experts from home and abroad, the most current topics were addressed, and the Serbian Biogas Association had a remarkable presentation within the “Bioeconomics as a Concept for the Development of Sustainable Cities” panel. Mr. Goran Knežević, a Board member of the Serbian Biogas Association, gave a presentation in which he, first and foremost, introduced the participants to the benefits of biogas for both the investor and the region, as well as commented on the contribution of biogas to the development of bioeconomy, in accordance with the topic of the panel. On this occasion, Mr. Knežević emphasized the positive impact of biogas power plants on the environment, stressing that methane is as much as 25 times more aggressive than CO2, and thus, by controlling methane emissions into the atmosphere, a biogas plant has an extremely important impact on human health and the environment. The fertilizer obtained as a result of the biogas production process can be used to initiate organic production and such fertilizers are four times better absorbed by the soil than fertilizers that are not obtained this way. Furthermore, in the production of biogas (through the treatment of farm waste) pathogenic bacteria are destroyed by as much as 98%, while the unpleasant odors from the farm are reduced up to 90%. In addition, a significant information for investors is that for the owners of biogas plants there is no problem of placing goods on the market, because a Decree stipulates that all produced electricity will be sold within a period of 12 years. Biogas power plants generate steady incomes and therefore people continue to reside in the countryside, which has a wide range of benefits both for the region and for the country at large.

The conclusion of this presentation is that every village should have a biogas power plant!, which is also the message of the Serbian Biogas Association.