Bio360 Expo dedicated to Bioenergy and Bioeconomy will take place in Nantes on 30-31 March 2022.
In addition to solutions to decarbonize energy production, transport, industry, etc. such as biomass and wood energy, waste recovery, biogas, biomethane, and biofuels.
Category: Events
Visit of the team Sequa and Fachverband Biogas e.V. and kick-off meeting
It was our great pleasure to host in Belgrade a delegation of the German Biogas Association and the Sequa gGmbH, a globally operating non-profit development organization.
Faculty of Technical sciences (FTS) visiting Germany
The member of the Serbian Biogas Association, Faculty of Technical Sciences (FTS), organized within the project Initiative on small biogas facilities for manure to attain GHG mitigation in agriculture (Biogas initiative), funded by European Climate Initiative (“EUKI”) 2020, an expert visit to Germany.
Member of the Biogas Serbia Association, Global seed doo Čurug on the national television RTS1
The member of the Serbian Biogas Association, company Global seed doo Čurug, welcomed the RTS team on their farm.
The beginning of the project whit the German Biogas Association
It is our great pleasure to announce that on October 1st 2021. has started new, second in a row, partnership project with the German Biogas Association – Fachverband Biogas e.V.
Participation of the Serbian Biogas Association in the Energy Community Gas Forum
We had the great honor to participate in the conference of the European Energy Community, where on behalf of the Serbian Biogas Association was speaking Mr. Marko Nedic, a member of the Board.
Small Biogas Plants Brochure
The "Small Biogas Plants" brochure was produced as part of a project under the European Climate Initiative ("EUKI") 2020.
Video education from the Serbian Biogas Association
The Serbian Biogas Association, with the support of Fachverband Biogas e.V. developed a video education on the topic of biogas, provided for all interested institutions and individuals who request more information about the biogas sector.
Roundtable discussion in Botoš
Roundtable in Botoš, was held on March 12th, organized by the Serbian Biogas Association and the GIZ / AMBERO team, with the support of the BANAT Regional Center for Socio-Economic Development and the Permanent Conference of Cities and Municipalities (SCTM).