It is our great pleasure to announce that on October 1st 2021. has started new, second in a row, partnership project with the German Biogas Association – Fachverband Biogas e.V.
We are very proud that we have been given the opportunity to continue developing and clarifying the biogas sector in Serbia as an Association, together with our colleagues from Germany.
The expertise and knowledge that will be provided to us by our partners and from a country that is the European leader in the biogas production, represent a significant benefit for the entire biogas sector in the Republic of Serbia.
The plan is that during the project we strengthen the biogas sector in our country and create the best possible working conditions in the sector for our members and new investors.
The duration of the project is initially three years, with the possibility of extension to another three.
In the end, we would like to emphasize that this is a significant success of the Association, and above all our members. Therefore members and everyone who works in the biogas sector in the Republic of Serbia, congratulations on the rosette of a fruitful period ahead of us!