Working breakfast for journalists and media representatives
In the enchanting ambiance of the National Class restaurant, with the support of our partners, the German Biogas Association (Fachverband Biogas e.V.), we held a working breakfast and gathering for journalists and media representatives.
Representatives from the association, including members of the Board of Directors, and Lidija Carević from the project with Fachverband Biogas e.V., attended this event. In addition to the presentation by the President of the Biogas Association Serbia, Mr. Vuković, we had the opportunity to provide all the necessary information about biogas, the sector, and the challenges faced by the association and the sector to the gathered media in an informal atmosphere.
Media representatives found it particularly interesting to learn more about the development of our sector, from its inception when we first gathered around the idea of association and advocating for better working conditions in the sector, to the current situation where the association is strong and stable, with over 60 members.
All the gathered media were keenly interested in hearing about biogas as a renewable energy source that contributes the most, among all renewable energy sources, to environmental preservation.
All 28 media representatives actively participated in the discussion about biogas. While it’s challenging to capture such a creative atmosphere, we will try to convey it through the gallery of photos below.