Biogas Plant Design and Operation Workshop Held at the SBA

Biogas Plant Design and Operation Workshop Held at the SBA

A workshop on biogas plant design and operation was successfully held at the SBA office in Novi Sad from April 23 through April 27, 2018. The workshop was supported by GIZ’s Development of Sustainable Bioenergy Market in Serbia Programme. The trainers included Katrin Kayser, IBBK, Germany, Michael Kottner, IBBK, Germany, Harald Lindorfer, Schaumann Bioenergy, Germany, Paul Bock, Schaumann Bioenergy, Germany, Gunther Pesta, Atres, Germany, Jann Uphoff, Kisslegg, Germany and Vladan Divjak, Gakovac doo, Stara Moravica. The workshop programme included classes with experts, who were available to take comments and questions, and practical exercises. On the last day of the training, we organized a study visit to a biogas plant. The attendees had an opportunity to talk to the biogas plant operator and gain insight into the operation of the plant.

For Workshop Programme click on the link.