Danube Biomethane Hub Kick-off meeting

Danube Biomethane Hub Kick-off meeting

We had the pleasure of representing the Biogas Association of Serbia at the virtual meeting of the Danube Biomethane Hub, held as part of the GreenMeUp project. Funded under the Horizon Europe program, the GreenMeUp project aims to promote the acceptance of biomethane and biohydrogen in the European energy and transport sectors. The project, which will last for 3 years, includes 14 partners from 10 European countries.

Within the project, relevant stakeholders representing all stages of the biomethane value chain will be involved to analyze the framework conditions and market dynamics in countries with currently low biomethane production but high market potential. Sets of policy recommendations will be developed to encourage market acceptance and improve public perception of biogas.

A member of the Board of Directors of the Biogas Association of Serbia, Prof. Dr. Đorđe Đatkov, presented the situation in the biogas sector in Serbia, as well as its potentials. It was also valuable for us to learn more details about neighboring markets from experts in Hungary and Romania, regarding the current situation in the biogas and biomethane sectors, as well as the potentials of these countries.