A panel conference titled Incentives Development and Impact on the Sustainable Growth of Biogas Sector in Serbia was held at the Zira Hotel in Belgrade on March 1, 2017. The conference was organized by the Serbian Biogas Association, Serbian Ministry of Mining and Energy and GIZ’s Development of Sustainable Bioenergy Market in Serbia Programme.
The conference was attended by about 100 participants and it was opened by Professor Milos Banjac, on behalf of the Serbian Ministry of Mining and Energy. The SBA Board Chairmen moderated the first session, making a presentation Goals of the Serbian Biogas Association and Its Support to the Development of Biogas Sector. Presentations were also made by Mr Frank Hofmann of Fachverband biogas e.V. and Wiard Smidt, a farmer and plant operator from Germany, whose presentation was titled Biogas as an Additional Source of Income for a Farm. Minister Aleksandar Antic attended the conference on behalf of the Ministry of Mining and Energy, delivering a speech. The second session was moderated by Mgrs. Milica Vukadinovic, GIZ DKTI Programme Manager (Development of Sustainable Bioenergy Market in Serbia).
Aleksandar Antic, the Minister of Mining and Energy, welcomed the attendees and organizers, expressed support for the conference, saying that Serbia had undertaken to reach 27 percent of electricity production from renewable energy sources by 2020.
Speaking at the conference Incentives Development and Impact on the Sustainable Growth of Biogas Sector in Serbia, he said that the toughest competition in Serbia at that moment was in the area of wind energy and that wind energy production, but also biomass energy production, would develop the most in the next period.
Minister Antic stressed that Serbia had a potential to produce 5.6 million toe of electricity from RES; the potential for electricity production from renewable biomass was estimated at about 3.3 million toe, of which about 1.5 million toe from woody biomass, while the rest accounted for the potential of agricultural biomass.
Milos Banjac, Assistant Minster of Mining and Energy in charge of energy efficiency and RES, said that Serbia had recognized the need to use biomass for the production of electrical energy and does not regard it solely as its obligation. He said it was realistic to expect that Serbia’s electricity production from biogas would reach 30 MW by 2020, adding, however, that it was still a negligible percentage as the installed capacity of the Serbian Power Company (EPS) totalled 6,300 MW. Mr Banjac recalled that a new set of regulations had been adopted the year before, giving more legal certainty to investors and raising prices of electricity produced from biogas, which resulted in the construction of six new CHP units.
Pomoćnik ministra rudarstva i energetike za sektor energetska efikasnost i obnovljivi izvori energije Miloš Banjac, rekao je da Srbija ne samo da ima obavezu već je i prepoznala potrebu korišćenja biomase u proizvodnje električne energije. On je naveo da je realno očekivati da će Srbija do 2020. dostići proizvodnju električne energije od 30 megavata iz biogasa, ali, kako je kazao to je i dalje zanemarljiv procenat proizvodnje jer je ukupno instalisana snaga Elektroprivrede Srbije (EPS) 6.300 megavata. Gospodin Banjac je podsetio da je prošle godine donet novi paket uredbi kojima je podstaknuta pravna sigurnost investicija i podignute cene korišćenja biogasa za proizvodnju električne energije, što je dovelo do šest novih izgrađenih postrojenja za kombinovanu proizvodnju toplotne i električne energije na biogas.
„Trenutno je je najviša cena za proizvodnju električne energije iz biogasa, ali je istovremeno tehnologija te proizvodnje i najkompleksnija što je opravdanje za njen visoki iznos“,
kazao je Banjac i naveo da je tih šest postrojenja dobilo subvencije iz Globalnog fonda za zaštitu životne sredine UN od po nešto manje od 300.000 dolara. Banjac ističe i da je želja ministarstva energetike da se sve više koristi biomasa za energetske svrhe, pogotovo stajnjak i već postoječhe zagađujuće materije koje se inače deponuje i prave problem Srbiji i u ekološkom smislu.
Član Upravnog odbora Udruženja Biogas Dragan Zukić dao je izjavu ispred Udruženja i rekao da su podsticaji koje država daje dosta da pomognu da se poveća proizvodnja električne energije iz biomase, kako bi taj proces bio ekonomski isplativ . Prema njegovim rečima, ti podsticaji sada nisu dovoljni i trebalo bi da budu veći da bi u Srbiji bio veći broj elektrana na biogas i kako je naglasio budućnost razvoja ove oblasti je u udruživanju i dugoročnim ugovorima o proizvodnji.
Na konferenciji zaključeno je da je usvajanjem novih podsticajnih mera za proizvodnju energije iz OIE u junu 2016, a koje će važiti do kraja 2018. stvoren dobar okvir za brzi razvoj novih biogasnih postrojenja u Srbiji , ali da treba na vreme razmišljati o novim merama .
Više o ovome pogledajte na sledećim link-ovima:
- Tanjug http://www.tanjug.rs/flv/0103_banjac.flv
- Tanjug http://www.tanjug.rs/flv/0103_zira_pok.flv
- Tanjug http://www.tanjug.rs/flv/0103_zukich.flv
- Tanjug http://www.tanjug.rs/mobile/full-view.aspx?izb=312069
- N1 http://rs.n1info.com/a232026/Biznis/O-proizvodnji-biogasa-u-Srbiji.html
- B92 http://www.b92.net/biz/vesti/srbija.php?yyyy=2017&mm=03&dd=01&nav_id=1235625
- Blic http://www.blic.rs/vesti/ekonomija/antic-cilj-da-do-2020-proizvodimo-27-odsto-struje-iz-obnovljivih-izvora-energije/y4zlrlc
- Scradar http://scradar.com/ekonomija-vesti/antic-cilj-da-do-2020-proizvodimo-27-odsto-struje-iz-obnovljivih-izvora-energije/
- Dnevnik http://www.dnevnik.rs/ekonomija/antic-cilj-da-do-2020-proizvodimo-27-odsto-struje-iz-oie
- NSPM http://www.nspm.rs/hronika/aleksandar-antic-cilj-srbije-je-da-do-2020.-godine-proizvede-27-odsto-struje-iz-obnovljivih-izvora-energije.html
- Kamatica http://kamatica.com/vest/cilj-da-do-2020-proizvodimo-27-odsto-struje-iz-oie/50904
- GM business http://gmbusiness.biz/2017/03/02/da-li-je-srbija-spremna-da-ode-korak-dalje-u-razvoju-biogas-sektora/
- BIF http://bif.rs/2017/03/da-li-je-srbija-spremna-da-ode-korak-dalje-u-razvoju-biogas-sektora/
Panel Conference Presentations 2017.
Presentation FvB Experiences in Germany Workshop Serbia
Association goals and development support