Workshop on Biogas Plant Design and Operation

Workshop on Biogas Plant Design and Operation

A workshop on biogas plant design and operation was successfully held at the SBA offices in Novi Sad from May 29, 2017 through June 2, 2017, in cooperation with GIZ DKTI and IBBK.

Interactive classes were delivered by experts Mgrs. Katrin Kayser and Mr Michael Kotner (IBBK, Kirhberg, Germany) and Mr Dr Harald Lindorfer (Schaumann Bioenergy, Hamburg, Germany), and by representatives of GIZ DKTI and the Serbian Biogas Association. The training programme included interactive classes with experts who were available for comments and Q&A, requiring active participation of attendees. German experts spoke about development of biogas technology in Europe, plant design and economic aspects, plant construction, and biogas plant safety aspects and standards.

Our members Mr Zoran Pomoriski (Bioelektra, Botos) and Mr Vladan Divjak (Gakovac, Stara Moravica) made presentations on behalf of the SBA. Mr Pomoriski spoke about the activities of the Serbian Biogas Association and plans for the future, while Mr Divjak spoke about a plant construction experience and the conclusions of a panel conference held in cooperation with GIZ DKTI and the Ministry of Mining and Energy. On the last day of the training, we organized a study visit to two plants, including discussions with the plant operators about practicalities of plant operation and the needs concerning identification of problems in the plant operation.

We visited Global Seedā€™s 0.630 MW plant in Curug, where the visitors could see current works to construct additional 0.630 MW, and the Gakovac plant of 2 MW in Stara Moravica. The two operators were available to take questions from visitors. The five-day workshop was attended by about 30 people.