Dear members, partners, and collaborators, We are pleased to invite you to the conference “Biogas and Biomethane in Serbia by...

Announcement of the Annual Conference of the Serbian Biogas Association
Dear Members and Partners, It is with great pleasure that we announce the annual biogas conference, organized by the Serbian...

New Member of the Serbian Biogas Association – Tietjen Verfahrenstechnik GmbH
It is with great pleasure that the Serbian Biogas Association introduces its newest member, Tietjen, a German company specializing in...

New Member of the Serbian Biogas Association – EKO SERVIS doo
EKO SERVIS – A Leader in Sustainable Waste Management and Environmental Protection For more than two decades, EKO SERVIS has...

The Paradox of Good Laws – Between Ideals and Reality
Laws are the foundation of every functional society. They define rules, set standards, and provide a framework for progress. But...

Biogas Convention 2024
From November 12 to 15, 2024, one of the most important and prestigious events in the world of biogas –...

New Member of the Serbian Biogas Association – DEC International Engineering d.o.o.
We are pleased to announce that DEC International Engineering d.o.o. has joined our Serbian Biogas Association as a new member!...

Forgotten Pioneers – how We Lost the Veterans Among Biogas Plants
In the past year, we have increasingly reflected on Serbia’s first three biogas plants—the pioneers that, 12 years ago, boldly...

Serbian Biogas Association continues as media partner for the Bio360 event in 2025
We are pleased to announce that the Serbian Biogas Association will once again be a media partner for the prestigious...

International biogas webinars organized by the German Biogas Association
The German biogas industry is going through a period of change and international cooperation for the implementation of biogas plants...

Two Training Sessions on Circular Economy Held
Last month, two training sessions on the circular economy were held by Ms. Verena Pfahler from the Department of Waste,...

Participation in the Workshop “Climate Smart Agribusiness Sector in Serbia”
Representatives of the Serbian Biogas Association, Goran Knežević and Lidija Zelić, participated in the workshop “Climate Smart Agribusiness Sector in...

Participation in the EUKI Webinar
We had the opportunity to participate in the EUKI webinar titled “Hungarian Presidency of the Council of the EU –...

New member of the Biogas Association Serbia
We proudly present the new member of the Biogas Serbia Association – the Faculty of Sciences at the University of...

Visit of Students from the Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy to Our Member – Almex Plant
Students from the Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy, University of Belgrade, led by assistant professor Aleksandra Popović, visited the plant...

Participation of the Serbian Biogas Association in the Eco Forum
We had the great pleasure of participating in the Eco Forum in Zlatibor, where we were represented by Prof. Dr....

Visit to the Institute for the Application of Science in Agriculture at the Fair of Technology and Technical Achievements
The Institute for the Application of Science in Agriculture, a member of our association, participated in this year’s Fair of...

Participation of the Serbian Biogas Association at the Expert Conference “Sustainable Agriculture and RES”
At the Agricultural Fair in Novi Sad, an expert conference titled “Sustainable Agriculture and Renewable Energy Sources” was held, in...

Serbian Biogas Association Panel at the EU Delegation Booth at the Agricultural Fair in Novi Sad
We were delighted to organize the panel “The Future of Biogas – Response to Ecological Imperatives” at the EU Delegation...

Lecture on Biogas at the Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy in Belgrade
In the grand hall of the Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy, as part of the course Renewable Energy Sources and...

Meeting at the Faculty of Sciences, University of Novi Sad
We are very pleased to announce that we held an extremely successful meeting with representatives of the Faculty of Sciences,...

Participation of the Serbian Biogas Association in the Serbian Delegation’s Visit to the People’s Republic of China
At the invitation and with the trust of our esteemed member, the Institute for the Application of Science in Agriculture,...

Audit for the Second Phase of the Project with Fachverband Biogas e.V. Conducted
With great pleasure, we hosted a team from Germany, which considered the possibilities for extending the project with Fachverband Biogas...

New member of the Biogas Association Serbia: DONAUCHEM (date: April 06, 2024.)
It is our great pleasure to introduce to all our members and partners the new member of the Biogas Serbia...

Signed MoU with RRA Srem
We are greatly honored to have signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Regional Development Agency Srem, aimed at supporting...

Participation of the Serbian Biogas Association at the “Regional Development Forum – APV 2024”
The Serbian Biogas Association had the great pleasure of participating in the Regional Development Forum of AP Vojvodina. The forum...

New member of the Biogas Association Serbia: ArTech Engineering Ltd. (date: December 25, 2023.)
With pride, we inform our partners and collaborators that the new member of the Biogas Association Serbia is the company...

Participation in the International Scientific Conference FINIZ 2023 (date 08.12.2023.)
The representative of the Biogas Association Serbia, Lidija Carević, spoke at the International Scientific Conference FINIZ 2023 held on Thursday,...

New member of the Biogas Serbia Association: Cargochem Ltd. (date: December 23, 2023.)
Dear partners, we are pleased to inform you that the Biogas Serbia Association has gained a new member. It is...

Conclusions from the Biogas Association Serbia Conference “Sustainable Development of the Biogas Sector in Serbia – from Biogas to Biomethane”
In collaboration with the Biogas Association of Serbia and the German Biogas Association, Fachverband Biogas e.V., on October 19, 2023,...

The association conference titled “Sustainable Development of the Biogas Sector in Serbia – from Biogas to Biomethane” has been held
With immense satisfaction and great pride, we share the success of one of the largest sectoral events, since the inception...

Sustainable Development of the Biogas Sector in Serbia – From Biogas to Biomethane
The Biogas Association Serbia, in partnership with the German Biogas Association (Fachverband Biogas e.V), is organizing a significant annual conference:...

“Hybrid Solutions Day” organized by the company Camfil, a member of the Serbian Biogas Association
The Scientific-Technological Park Belgrade hosted the “HYBRID SOLUTIONS DAY” event in May, organized by the Swedish company Camfil, a global...

Serbian Biogas Association is a media partner of the Bio360 Expo
We are pleased to inform you that Serbian Biogas Association is once again partnering with the Bio360 Expo event for...

Danube Biomethane Hub Kick-off meeting
Danube Biomethane Hub Kick-off meeting We had the pleasure of representing the Biogas Association of Serbia at the virtual meeting...

Training sessions organized by the German Biogas Association, Fachverband Biogas e.V.
Training sessions organized by the German Biogas Association, Fachverband Biogas e.V. In the past month, two capacity-building training sessions were...

Working breakfast for journalists and media representatives
Working breakfast for journalists and media representatives In the enchanting ambiance of the National Class restaurant, with the support of...

Participation of representatives of the Biogas Serbia Association as trainers in Vrnjačka Banja
Participation of representatives of the Biogas Serbia Association as trainers in Vrnjačka Banja A three-day training titled “Climate Change, Renewable...

Participation of the Biogas Association Serbia at the conference organized by the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Serbia, FTN Novi Sad, and EBRD
Participation of the Biogas Association Serbia at the conference organized by the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in...

Groundbreaking of the first WABIO power plant in Nova Crnja
Groundbreaking of the first WABIO power plant in Nova Crnja We attended the groundbreaking ceremony for the first biogas plant...

The Assembly of the Biogas Serbia Association was held
The Assembly of the Biogas Serbia Association was held Based on the decision of the Board of Directors of the...

Participation of the Biogas Serbia Association at the Kopaonik Business Forum 2023
Participation of the Biogas Serbia Association at the Kopaonik Business Forum 2023 This year, the Biogas Serbia Association participated in...

Round Table at the Chamber of Commerce of Vojvodina
Round Table at the Chamber of Commerce of Vojvodina, organized by the Biogas Serbia Association On Friday, December 2, 2022,...

Training “Biowaste to biogas – From feedstock collection to use of digestate”
Training “Biowaste to biogas – From feedstock collection to use of digestate” Held In collaboration with the German Biogas Association,...

Conference at the Assembly of the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina
Participation of the Biogas Serbia Association in the conference at the Assembly of the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina The Biogas...

Memorandum of Cooperation with the Chamber of Commerce of Vojvodina
Signed Memorandum of Cooperation with the Chamber of Commerce of Vojvodina As the culmination of a long-standing successful collaboration with...

Training Biogas to Biomethane
Held training “Biogas to Biomethane” In October, another training was organized by the German Biogas Association, Fachverband Biogas e.V., this...

Event announcement – Bio360 Expo 2023
Bio360 Expo is an international assembly point comprising a large international exhibition and multi-track conference programme dedicated to advancing bioenergy, the bioeconomy and atmospheric carbon removal … in order to create a circular and renewable society, in contrast to the current model still dominated by dead-end fossil fuels.